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All that exists is Now!

Writer: AdminAdmin

All that exists is Now!

This entry was posted on May 8, 2013, in Spiritual Wisdom. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments (Edit)

I’ve been encouraged to do a lot of visualisations and goal setting recently. Normally I love that stuff!! But my world right now feels more unpredictable than ever before.

But is it?

No of course not, my future is as unpredictable as it always has been. I’ve just been thrown into the present in a relatively uncomfortable way, so it feels more unpredictable. But this presents a challenge… Goal setting and visualising when you feel like the world is unsteady isn’t always easy, so how do we proceed forwards? I spent a lot of time looking in the mirror for this because I wanted it to feel authentic.

What I’ve decided to do (I’ll let you know how it works out) is to take a look at my imagined future self and then choose to see her in me, now, today. Ultimately our future self never really exists anyway, the only thing we have control over is how we choose to behave today.

So if your future self were a yoga master or novelist or business person, take steps today to be that person today. I don’t just mean work towards the goal, I mean BE that version of yourself today. Dress the way they do, live the way they do, speak the way they do. In these moments we’re expressing our true nature right now.

If all we have is now, then our actions today become more important and urgent. If there is no future self, there is no time to put things off that really matter. You can be your future self today.

I’ll talk another day about our fairy tale self, but for now, play a simple game with me. Answer the question below…

How do you see yourself in the future? (It’s okay if some of these things you already do/are)

I see someone who is

– Smiley

– Writes daily

– Meditates daily

– Has published a book

– Known for my gifts

Now it’s your turn, feel welcome to write your answers in the comments below. How do you see yourself in the future?x

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