Make It Happen Coaching Group

You're Invited
Join us on our next
Make It Happen Workshop.
Let's make this year awesome!
Much love,
Are you ready for a life changing year?
I don't know about you, but I find that unless I carve our dedicated time to create the life I want... life can just pass me by. It might be true for you too, have you found that some years go by, and you're more and more aware that you still haven't achieved the things that really matter to you? I get it, you are busy and you get stuff done but it's just not the stuff that really matters to you.
When we keep doing what we've always done, we'll get what we've always got.
So you know you've got to make a change... but you've known that for awhile and nothing's happened. But now something's different, you've got a strong feeling that now is your time to take a chance at the life you really want. Can you feel it? If so, read on...
But just before we do, let me tell you about something, I've been a corporate business coach since 2008, coaching hundreds of people in the professional world to success. If I include the life coaching in my spiritual work, probably thousands of people over the last 15 years, that's a lot of people! (I'll let you into a secret, a lot of the people in business who make huge strides in their careers during our coaching sessions are the people who were willing to work on all areas of their life and mindset). Seems like a huge effort right? Well I've had a few coaches over the years too and with their help and support, it didn't seem as daunting, it actually felt like a game! Plus when I truly committed and got a coach, I saw the greatest, quickest and most profound changes in my life. Coaching is one of those things that can up-level your life in such an amazing way, which is why I've set up this coaching group with the option for additional one to one coaching too. (Also including all my magical elements so they can be in the highest vibration as they set out to create an amazing year!)
Are you excited?
If so, read on and figure out which package most inspires you!

Make It Happen Member
You'll get:
1. The Make It Happen Workshop
An intensive, full day workshop (10 - 5pm on Saturday 13th January)
You'll have dedicated time to review your life, what's working, what's not working, your goals, make a plan, and leave feeling recharged, renewed and ready to take on life with a new passion because you know you're going to Make It Happen.
2. Gain a supportive community
The people you meet on the course will be your accountability partners. Tell each other what you're working on that day or week and we'll all cheer you on and in return all you need to do is cheer on the other wonderful women working towards their best selves. It's like a co-working coffee shop where everyone comes to work on their life goals! You will also have life time access to this exclusive community.
3. Quarterly Reviews
I like to call these my online PJ Parties. From the comfort of your own home, in your PJs, under as many blankets as you like, with all your favourite pens and notebooks around you, you'll log into our online video meeting where we'll do a quarterly review. These calls are an amazing way to track your progress, re-inspire you to work on your goals! The way we plan our yearly goals during the Make It Happen Workshop, you'll be transitioning from one goal on the road to creating the life you want to the next goal in your journey, so it's perfect timing! These PJ Parties are fun, comfy and exactly what you need to make sure your goals don't fall by the wayside.
(Value of the package if bought separately: £500)
Your actual investment in your future: £150

Make It Happen VIP Member
3 Month Intensive (Quarterly Coaching Package)
You'll get:
Everything above in the Make It Happen Member Package &...
An initial 2 hour Coaching session
A 1hr Monthly Coaching Session (in person or online)
A Monthly Reiki session (in person or by angel messenger)
Access to any other Make It Happen Workshops I host during the year
10% off any other training programmes I host that year
(Value of the package: £5,750)
Your actual investment: £1750
Payment scheme available.

Interested? Have Questions?
Simply text me on 07766521118 and let's can get the ball rolling on your awesome year!